Managing Emotions    

train the trainer


It’s difficult for humans to control emotions. Anything happening at home and the consequence thereof is often reflected in our temperament and attitude in the office. While there is no doubt excellent interpersonal skills ensure that we are more focused on building up relationship. To that extent emotions are controlled but events which are unexpected can cause serious problems. Often, if we are let down by people or circumstances; overcoming the negative emotional impact caused seems really difficult. We have designed the program which raises the Emotional Quotient of participants making them strong enough to overcome the ill effects of such happenings.

How you will benefit

  • You understand the impact of emotions on your work which invariably reduces your performance.
  • You will take life as it is and realize that ups and down are a part of life. Feelings of hurt or dejection will be easier to overcome
  • The training also teaches you not to have expectations from others.
  • More importantly, the training encourages you to accept that all people are individuals.
  • It enhances your ability to influence others.
  • You will be able to influence people not by criticizing them and
  • You will be able to offer them choices and softly influence their decision without imposing it.
  • The course also trains you how to influence peers colleagues and family members.
  • It empowers you to focus on your duty. Even helping others is without expecting anything in return training


  • Developing understanding of the ill effects of continuing emotions. Techniques to keep stress out of your personality. How to be realistic and not to expect much more from yourself. This leeds to frustration and affects your emotional balance. Difficult deadlines can be taken as a positive challenge. Such stress is often helpful for improving your performance.
  • Understanding your strengths and weaknesses. How to leverage your strengths and underplay the weaknesses. Besides, developing ability to eliminate the weaknesses or mitigating these.
  • Keeping a healthy mind and body is also necessary. Some easy steps and good practices in this regard.
  • Developing an ability to analyze all difficult situations and face them boldly.
  • Reviewing your daily performance and continuously learning to develop stronger and positive attitude.

Who should Attend

    The programme is good for all individuals to consider that the work is a burden instead of an enjoyable duty. Executives who take small criticism personally. Those who are very reactive instead of being proactive. The middle and senior executives of corporations are advised to attend the programme.

